
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

holiday at the Philippines

day 1. Off to the Philippines! well... the problem is that we were off to China because in the airport of new Zealand we could not just fly there we had to take 2 planes 1 to China then 1 to Philippines.
day 2. We are still in the plane to China but the good news is were nearly there in China once we got there we had to wait till we can get to a 3 hour plane to the Philippines when we got to the Philippines we were waiting for our grandparents when they arrived we drove to their home but the weird thing is when you are driving a car in New Zealand the steering wheel is on the right okay, but in the Philippines its on the left side. Once we got to the house we ate food from another fast food place called jolibee then we got a surprise from my cousin's family after that they asked my brother and me to sleep at our house so we said yes when we got there we slept on the bed.

day 3. when I woke up we had breakfast I had bread and nutella I also had some cold hot chocolate It was the most yummy hot chocolate I ever had in the Philippines then my cousins who went down for breakfast so did my parents went down for breakfast then we watch TV (as we all know it means television) and then a movie and then me, my brother and my cousin Thomas went to swim so we did some jumping then we played macro polo then we took pictures of my brother, my cousin and me also we took a picture of me jumping into the pool and then we had lunch and after that my grandparents and my parents came then we had dinner after I waited by playing toys then once it was dark I asked dad if I can sleep and then we slept trough night up to day 4 in the Philippines.

day 4.were awake! now we are going to the SM mall we spilt into two groups when we got there so my parents go to penshoppe then we spilt off again so we went upstairs to go to Kim and Diane my godparents then papa and mama and I went to timezone we had so much fun at it while we were going to timezone my dad was following us but he lost us after we got home we ate lunch and then we watched a movie and then we ate dinner then we continued the movie and then we slept.     

day 5. we were not going anywhere today so I went off to eat also I and Andrei always wake up early so we ate breakfast when everyone came down we went to watch a movie after a bit of the movie we had lunch we ate some food for lunch then we continued the movie when the movie was finished I played some toys then we had some dinner and lastly I played my tablet until we slept

day 6.


  1. Wow! It sure does take a long time to travel anywhere from New Zealand. I look forward to hearing what else you got up too on your holiday.

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