
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Write and write

 It's writing time! today I have made a poem... This poem I'm about to show you Is about the people of ngai tahu It took some research to make but I have made a final project and my teacher says it really good so i'm happy. so here it is:

my question: If you had made a poem what will it be about?

Read and read for reading

today we have to make a new landmark for somewhere empty (I have chosen the red zone) I used minecraft classic... It took a lot of time since flying was not in minecraft classic :( so I made it and here it is:
Question: What will your landmark be in the red zone?

Maths 4 life

 Today I going to show my maths for wk 9/10(You heard that right. TWO weeks)  so... we are learning about Transformation, Reflection, etc. For this DLO I have made a drawing with all the Transformation, Reflection, etc. So... Here it is:

It looks like a lot of work but... its not that hard... so my question: If you enlarge something what are the cm and the ratio?